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April 28th is World Health and Safety at Work Day. A commemorative occasion to recall the workplace health and safety precautions put in place to prevent injury, harm and death in our businesses. Protecting our workers and providing them with a safe working environment, not only provides well-being, it reduces cost in claims and limited resources.

This year’s theme is Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises and invest now in resilient OHS systems. It’s a reminder to ensure businesses have suitable workforce health and safety management systems in place. Covering areas from workplace rehabilitation, drug & alcohol testing and management, ergonomics, fitness for work, mental health and employee assistance programs. Work Options can help guide you through these areas.

By shining a spotlight on the issues in workplace health and safety we can help to reduce the risks in work-related injuries.


To celebrate World Health and Safety at Work Day, Work Options is giving away 3 x $50 Coles Group & Myer Gift Cards. For your chance to go into the draw to win a gift card, simply subscribe to our eNewsletter – The Lighthouse Keeper.

If you are already a subscriber, there’s still a chance to be included in the draw. New followers on our LinkedIn page who already receive our eNewsletter will also go into the draw.

The giveaway commences 28 April 2021 to 31 May 2021. The draw will take place on 01 June with the winners emailed and announced on our social media pages.


Good luck!

Work Options’ eNewsletter The Lighthouse Keeper is  an informative bulletin with quality tips, news and updates on workforce health and safety management.


Terms and Conditions

  • Giveaway opens 28 April 2021 and ends 31 May 2021.
  • Entry is open to Australian residents only and must be over the age of 18 years.
  • The giveaway promotion is not open to employees or employees’ immediate families of Work Options.
  • One entry per person.
  • Each new Work Options eNewsletter subscriber will enter a draw to win one of three $50 Coles Group & Myer gift card. Existing Work Options eNewsletter subscribers who newly follow our  LinkedIn page during the giveaway will be included in the draw.
  • Winner will be notified the day of the draw via email and announced on social media.
  • Draw will occur on Tuesday 01 June 2021 at 11am at Work Options Suite 803, 146 Arthur Street North Sydney NSW 2059.