April 28th is World Health and Safety at Work Day. A commemorative occasion to recall the workplace health and safety precautions put in place to prevent injury, harm and death in our businesses. Protecting our workers and providing them with a safe working environment, not only provides well-being, it reduces cost in claims and limited resources.
This year’s theme is Anticipate, prepare and respond to crises and invest now in resilient OHS systems. It’s a reminder to ensure businesses have suitable workforce health and safety management systems in place. Covering areas from workplace rehabilitation, drug & alcohol testing and management, ergonomics, fitness for work, mental health and employee assistance programs. Work Options can help guide you through these areas.
By shining a spotlight on the issues in workplace health and safety we can help to reduce the risks in work-related injuries.
To celebrate World Health and Safety at Work Day, Work Options is giving away 3 x $50 Coles Group & Myer Gift Cards. For your chance to go into the draw to win a gift card, simply subscribe to our eNewsletter – The Lighthouse Keeper.