Face-to-face training can be costly, time consuming and logistically challenging, especially during these difficult times. That’s why Work Options has developed a series of online training courses to reduce costs and give you and your employees flexible access to training any time of day.
Our training is conducted through an online training management system that both groups and individuals can access once registered. With your user login, you’re able to see what courses you have in progress, those completed and also get a certificate as evidence of your training. Each course is approximately 30 minutes long, containing videos, slides, animations and information sheets and quizzes requiring minimum pass marks.
Current courses:
Introduction to Drugs & Alcohol in the Workplace (1A)
Managing the Risk of Drugs and Alcohol in my Workplace (1B)
These two courses are designed to go together and aim to educate all workers on the risk of drugs & alcohol at work. They can be used as general training or to incorporate into your induction program. Each course is approximately 30 minutes and include competency quizzes and a certificate of completion.
1A provides general information on drugs & alcohol, including: drug definition and classifications; effects of drugs & alcohol on body, health & behaviour; detailed information on alcohol, other drugs and medications; drugs & alcohol in the Australian workplace – risks to you and your work, laws, WHS and obligations of workers in relation to drugs & alcohol at work.
1B provides information on the key components of a Drug and Alcohol Management System, including: its purpose, elements, privacy, code of behaviour; understanding misuse; education; drug & alcohol testing & post-testing actions; support and discipline.
Managing Drugs & Alcohol at Work – A Guide for Supervisors & Managers
This course is designed for supervisors & managers who have responsibility for managing people or projects. It covers the role and responsibilities of supervisors and managers in managing the risk of drugs and alcohol at work, including: obligations of the business, workers and supervisors; identifying drug & alcohol misuse, signs & symptoms; what to do in a number of scenarios, such as a reasonable concern, WHS incidents, voluntary disclosure; managing drug testing and results, refusal, and breaches of the code of behaviour; and other issues, such as privacy, communication and safety.
Drug and Alcohol Program Officer Training
This course is designed for the designated contact within an employer for their drug and alcohol management program. It provides specialized training on: conducting a reasonable concern interview, managing drug and alcohol results, conducting risk assessments, implementing the drug and alcohol management program and developing Drug and Alcohol Management Plans for individual workers after a positive drug or alcohol screen.
New courses coming soon!
Mental Health Consulting and Training
With much uncertainty about the future, significant changes to home and work life, and fears around the current health crisis and its economic impact, we understand that this can be a difficult time for individuals and businesses alike. Our Mental Health Expert can deliver online consultation and training to assist you in maintaining a mentally healthy workplace and provide tailored strategies and programs to deliver a safer, happier and better supported workforce.
Watch this space for upcoming dates
10% Discount on Employee Assistance Programs for Work Options Customers
With one in five Australians currently suffering from a mental health concern, it is likely that this figure will increase over the coming months, particularly as we see the future of work changing for many. Work Options would like to extend a 10% discount on all EAP services, so that your employees and their families have access to vital assistance when they need it, can develop coping strategies and resilience, and are well supported through these uncertain times.
Find out more or contact us