More people are suffering from poor mental health thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus has caused changes to people’s lifestyle, job routine, intensified feelings of stress, and uncertainty. And even with the community returning to a ‘normal’ life, there is still a lot of angst in socialising and or being around large groups of people.
We’re in this together, though some of us may be struggling a little more.
Are you feeling the ‘COVID Fatigue’ maybe you’ve seen or heard it from your employees? This new term ‘COVID Fatigue’ is exhaustion linked to the new changes we have or are continuing to face due to the pandemic – changes in work schedules and routines; worries about financial stability; and health to name a few.
Throughout the pandemic in Australia, one in five people experienced high or very high levels of psychological distress*.
Supporting a worker who feels demotivated, is emotionally drained, has loss of physical ability, not performing to their standard, or has lower workplace commitment, will assist in retaining your workforce, reducing absenteeism, and maintaining a positive work culture.
Our advice of what a business can do to help employees overcome COVID fatigue is to implement strategies with clear communication about safety policies and procedures, introduce safety measures such as creating safe work environments, adopt an employee assistance program, running healthy routines, and keeping everyone in the loop with consistent communication.
COVID may continue to be in our world for some time and we need to avoid COVID burnout to have a productive workforce. Our professional and highly skilled mental health consultants are here to help your business in overcoming COVID Fatigue.
*Australian Bureau of Statistics, Household Impacts of COVID-19 Survey, June 2021