If you’re on the look out for a Workplace Rehabilitation Provider as you have a claim or simply planning ahead for future incidents, then you should consider these key criteria for selecting the right Provider for your business.
- What type of services does the Workplace Rehabilitation Provider offer? Find out if they offer a workplace assessment; ongoing support during the claim until the worker returns to work; do they educate both the injured worker and the employer on how to manage the injury in the workplace; and do they provide a functional assessment where the worker’s current work capacity is measured against the demands of the role.
- Research the business in how long they have been operating for, where they are located, are there any hidden costs in the service they provide or being a preferred supplier, and do they offer any other services that could support your overall workplace health and safety.
- Consider what your expectations are of a Workplace Rehabilitation Provider?
Is getting your worker back to the business the only expectation or are you wanting more such as the Provider to help address risk factors that may delay a worker returning and recovery at work?
- Do your research on their service – consider online reviews, like Google Reviews, ask your insurer or other employers.
- Do they know your industry? Some Providers specialise in particular industries and this can be really helpful in understanding the challenges you face and how best to get your injured worker back to work quickly and safely.
- Do they have a stable workforce? Turnover in the rehabilitation industry is high so a Provider with low turnover demonstrates a strong culture and gives you comfort knowing you will not be dealing with multiple people on a claim.
Fulfilling the above criteria will provide you with enough information to choose the right Workplace Rehabilitation Provider for your business.
If you have more queries, we can help answer your questions, contact us or visit our Workplace Rehabilitation service page for more information.